Research Statement
i study how racial capitalism, white supremacy & settler colonialism shape cultural performance in the United States, past & present.
Journal Articles
"Shakespeare's Racial Destiny: Tragic Whiteness and the Spirit-Savage Binary in Edwin Booth's Hamlet and Othello." Journal of the Wooden O, Southern Utah Press (2023)
Conferences & Presentations
First Chapter Symposium: "'Less than Kind': Disgust, Political Phenomenology, and the Refinement of Humankinds in Edwin Booth's Hamlet and Othello." Department of English, University of Southern California, December 6, 2019
Awards & Fellowships
Graduate School Fellowship for Continuing Students (August 2023—May 2024)
USC Graduate School. ($35,000)
Graduate School Summer Research and Writing Grant (Summer 2023)
USC Graduate School. ($2000)
Gold Family Graduate Fellowship (Summer 2022)
USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts, & Sciences. ($5000)
Dornsife/Graduate School Ph.D. Fellowship in the Humanities. (August 2016—May 2021)
University of Southern California. ($2,500 added to yearly stipend)
Van Keuren Award for an Outstanding Graduating Senior (May 2015)
Department of English, University of Illinois at Chicago. ($250)